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วิธีการตรวจสอบการเจือปนน้ำมะพร้าวด้วยน้ำตาลอ้อยหรือข้าวโพด (น้ำตาล C4) ซึ่งเป็นสารที่นิยมเจือปนในน้ำมะพร้าวเพื่อเพิ่มความหวานด้วย CRDS
Last Update : 10/10/2018 09:11:27
Brand : Picarro
Model : G2131i + Combustion module
A low-cost, easy-to-use, accurate, and precise solution to identify the addition of C4 sugars (adulteration), based on the carbon isotopic (?13C) composition of the coconut water.
Last Update : 09:49:09 19/02/2025
Brand : CEM
Model : EDGE
The EDGE? has revolutionized the extraction process for sample preparation. Extract up to 30 grams in only five minutes, including the filtering and cooling process; 6 times faster than other pressurized fluid extractors.
Last Update : 08:47:57 18/02/2025
Automated Graphite Digestion System
Brand : Raykol/Reeko
Model : AutoGDA-72
The AutoGDA-72 digestion systems are specifically designed for acid digestion and acid evaporation methods.
Last Update : 09:14:44 17/02/2025
Segmented Flow Analyzers
Brand : SEAL Analytical
Model : AA500 AutoAnalyzer
The AA500 is the top-of-the-line AutoAnalyzer incorporating the latest innovations to deliver your laboratory the freedom of total automation while achieving very high precision and the lowest detections levels.
Last Update : 10:16:13 14/02/2025
BLADE Microwave Digestion System
Brand : CEM
Model : BLADE
Microwave Digestion System BLADE The future of microwave digestion? today
Last Update : 10:13:09 13/02/2025

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SP2000 robotic platform with integrated fume ?point? extractor

Description: Automation of your sample preparation protocols with the SP2000 robot will not only speed up analysis, your procedures, save valuable operator time, but can also improve your laboratory work environment as well. For sample preparation or analysis procedures where dangerous fumes are released, Skalar has integrated a special fume ?point? extractor to extract the dangerous gases the moment they are released.
Last Update : 16:26:16 02/04/2021

Will It Digest Episode 19 Digesting Soil

Description: We've got the dirt on EPA 3051 and 3052. In this episode of Will It Digest we dig into North Carolina's dirtiest resource, and two official EPA methods, to digest soil for elemental analysis. Looking to analyze your soil composition? Tune in to learn which microwave digestion method is best for you.
Last Update : 16:11:02 21/04/2021

San++ Continuous Flow Analyzer

Last Update : 16:08:46 02/04/2021

Will It Digest Cannabis & Hemp

Description: The CEM MARS 6 microwave digestion system is able to digest up to 40 mixed hemp and cannabis products including: flower, oil, tincture, balm, candy, edibles, and lotions in a single batch. This simple to use system has a build in cannabis method and uses advanced sensor technology to determine the right amount of power do completely digest the samples every time. Combine that with CEM?s industry-leading application support, and your lab is armed with the tools you need to achieve the highest quality elemental analysis. At CEM, we make Sample Prep, Simple!
Last Update : 15:47:48 09/04/2021

Movie Primacs SNC100 Carbon Nitrogen analyzer

Description: Total Organic Carbon and Protein-Nitrogen analyzer for Solid & Liquid samples The PrimacsSNC-100 is our latest, modern and flexible sample analyzer with integrated 100-position autosampler for determination of Nitrogen (N), Protein, Total Carbon (TC), Total Elemental Carbon (TEC), Total Inorganic Carbon (TIC) and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) all in one unit.
Last Update : 15:36:02 02/04/2021

Quartz Fiber Crucibles Faster, safer, and easier than any other crucibles

Description: In this video, you'll discover our unique quartz fiber crucibles significantly reduce the time required to ash samples compared to other non-porous crucibles such as ceramic or platinum. With improved airflow throughout the crucible, samples can be ashed up to 90% faster and are compatible with any type of muffle furnace. CEM?s quartz fiber crucibles cool to the touch in seconds, making them safer to use and allowing users to skip the desiccation process.
Last Update : 15:31:17 02/04/2021

Rapid NMR Fat Analyzer ORACLE

Description: Rapid fat analysis of any food sample with no method development.
Last Update : 15:28:23 02/04/2021

Liberty Blue Overview

Last Update : 15:23:01 02/04/2021

Microwave Synthesis CEM Mars 6

Description: Perform synthetic reactions in parallel or as single, large-scale chemistries all in one easy-to-use system.
Last Update : 15:21:15 02/04/2021

EDGE Demonstration

Last Update : 15:16:38 02/04/2021

Parallel Peptide Synthesizer _ MultiPep 2

Description: The MultiPep 2? is the state of the art automated parallel peptide synthesizer. It features unmatched flexibility for screenings hundreds of peptides in parallel using plates, columns, or cellulose membranes formats.
Last Update : 15:11:40 02/04/2021

Microwave Synthesis Reactor Discover 2.0 CEM

Description: The Discover? 2.0 is the best microwave synthesizer for organic and inorganic synthetic chemistry. Featuring the widest range of pressurized vessels for a single-mode microwave cavity and intuitive software with a 10" touchscreen interface. The Discover 2.0 also comes with a complete range of accessories including autosamplers, subambient chemistry, gaseous addition, and peptides synthesis. Features: -Widest pressurized vessel sizes for a single-mode microwave - 10mL, 35mL, 100mL -IR Temperature Sensor that sees through glass and Teflon? (iWave?) -Vent and reseal technology for safe handling of over-pressurization (ActiVent) -Variable speed magnetic stirring and rapid compressed air cooling -Upgrade options: Autosamplers - 12/48 positions; Gaseous Addition, Sub-ambient temperature, Flow cells
Last Update : 15:11:29 02/04/2021

เครื่องวิเคราะห์โปรตีน - CEM Sprint - Rapid Protein Analyzer

Description: เครื่องวิเคราะห์หาปริมาณโปรตีนในอาหาร ภายในเวลา 2 นาที Sprint is an advancement for protein analysis based on a rapid green chemistry process allowing for direct protein detection in less than 5 minutes. It replaces the conventional Kjeldahl method for analysis of dairy and meat products. Using the Sprint is as simple as weighing the sample, placing it in the system, and pressing "Start". Features: Direct method for protein conversion Remarkably easy to use More repeatable than Kjeldahl & combustion techniques
Last Update : 15:04:58 02/04/2021

MARS6 - Microwave Digestion

Description: For over 30 years chemists have trusted CEM to provide the highest quality microwave digestion systems for their laboratories. The MARS 6? is simply the easiest to use, safest, and most intelligent system on the market. It is the only system that uses integrated sensor technology to recognize the vessel type as well as the sample number then apply the appropriate amount of power to ensure the highest quality digest. With options for remote system control and contactless all vessel temperature control, the MARS 6 is ready to handle your most difficult samples.
Last Update : 14:57:55 02/04/2021

Will it Extract? : Food Packaging

Description: In this episode of Will It Extract Benedict and the EDGE will discuss extracting food packaging. You will learn tips and tricks for successful extraction of PFAS and other possible containments from food packaging.
Last Update : 14:01:16 12/07/2021

Automated Solvent Extraction System (EDGE)

Description: If time is money then getting higher productivity out of your lab will make you rich. Only 15 minutes needed to extract, filter, and cool your sample with the EDGE automated solvent extraction system
Last Update : 13:22:04 05/05/2021

Mars 6 Demonstrate

Description: For over 30 years chemists have trusted CEM to provide the highest quality microwave digestion systems for their laboratories. The MARS 6? is simply the easiest to use, safest, and most intelligent system on the market. It is the only system that uses integrated sensor technology to recognize the vessel type as well as the sample number then apply the appropriate amount of power to ensure the highest quality digest. With options for remote system control and contactless all vessel temperature control, the MARS 6 is ready to handle your most difficult samples.
Last Update : 10:49:46 07/07/2021

Automatic dilution has long been a highly

Description: Curious to know how Skalar can help laboratories handle two sample matrices in a totally automated way? Automatic dilution has long been a highly-appreciated feature of the Skalar autosampler range - whether for preparing standards from a stock or pre/post-diluting samples. This feature was recently extended with the addition of a second dilutor, in combination with a dual-needle sampler, meaning we are now able to offer this great feature to two applications / matrices simultaneously! Benefits: ?Enormous time-saving for laboratories ?Elimination of human error and consistency of the whole analysis ?Matrix-matched pre/post-dilutions for two matrices ?Matrix-matched calibration standards for two matrices ?Reduced handling of chemicals In combination with the other automatic San++ features such as automatic start-up/shut down function, we ensure peace of mind around the clock to our customers.
Last Update : 10:46:30 20/04/2021

Will It Extract Hemp

Description: In this episode of Will It Extract, Benedict and the EDGE will discuss extracting cannabinoids from hemp. You will learn tips and tricks for successful extraction of hemp and hemp-containing products.
Last Update : 10:44:07 22/04/2021

Get to know our profound network

Description: In our new short video series, get to know our profound network of dealers that help us serve our amazing customers' testing and research needs worldwide. Watch as CEM's CEO, Dr. Michael Collins, highlights a long-standing partner of 30 years, YoungIn Chromass.
Last Update : 10:13:55 10/11/2021
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